供應美國杜邦 PBT BM6450XD
BM6450XD: Blow molding grade (compatable with Hytrel? co-extrusion and blow molding)(吹塑級(含Hytrel?共擠出和吹塑兼容)
CE2055: Unreinforced, low viscosity, polybutylene terephthalate resin for injection molding(非增強型,低粘度,聚對苯二甲酸乙二醇酯樹脂注塑成型)
HR5315HF: 15% Glass reinforced PBT with high flow (HF), moderately toughened, hydrolysis resistant (HR) resin. Excellent balance of properties between terminal pullout and impact resistance. Developed for USCAR Class 3 and 4 environments.(15%玻璃纖維增強高流量(高頻),中度鋼化玻璃,抗水解(人力資源)樹脂。出色的平衡終端撤軍和耐沖擊性能。開發USCAR3類和4環境)
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