供應美國杜邦 PBT 6129C
6131:Crastin? 6131 NC010 is an unreinforced, low viscosity polybutylene terephthalate resin for extrusion and injection molding.(Crastin?6131 NC010是一個無筋,低粘度聚對苯二甲酸乙二醇酯擠出和注塑成型樹脂)
6131C:Crastin? 6131C NC010 is an unreinforced, low viscosity polybutylene terephthalate resin for extrusion and injection molding.(Crastin?6131C NC010是一種無筋,低粘度聚對苯二甲酸乙二醇酯擠出和注塑成型樹脂)
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